The Asian Flush: Understanding Alcohol Flushing Syndrome - Ando Gummy

Asian Glow: Understanding Alcohol Flushing Syndrome

Key Takeaways

  1. Alcohol flushing is a genetic condition primarily affecting people of East Asian descent.
  2. It’s caused by a deficiency of ALDH2, which is responsible for metabolizing alcohol.
  3. Those affected should drink in moderation (or avoid altogether), stay hydrated and eat food while consuming alcohol, and consider a supplement that may promote alcohol metabolization.

If you've ever noticed that your face turns bright red when drinking alcohol, you may have experienced what is commonly known as the "Asian glow." This phenomenon, also referred to as “Asian flush”, “alcohol flushing”, “flushing syndrome”, “alcohol intolerance”, affects a significant portion of the Asian population and has sparked curiosity and concern among many. Let’s discuss the causes, symptoms, and potential health risks, as well as explore some practical tips for managing this response.

What Is Asian Glow?

The Science Behind Alcohol Flushing Syndrome

Alcohol flushing syndrome is a genetic condition that primarily affects people of East Asian descent. An estimated 45% of East Asians are affected. It occurs due to a deficiency in the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2), which is responsible for breaking down alcohol in the body. When alcohol is consumed, it’s metabolized into acetaldehyde, a toxic substance that can cause a range of adverse effects when not properly broken down.

In individuals with a fully functional ALDH2 enzyme, acetaldehyde is quickly converted into acetic acid and subsequently eliminated from the body. However, those with an ALDH2 deficiency experience a buildup of acetaldehyde, leading to the characteristic facial flushing, increased heart rate, and other symptoms.

Symptoms and Impact

Aside from the obvious redness of the face, individuals experiencing Asian glow may also encounter other uncomfortable symptoms, such as headaches, nausea, dizziness, and a rapid heartbeat. These reactions can occur within minutes of consuming alcohol, making social drinking particularly challenging for those affected.

The impact of Asian flush goes beyond mere discomfort. Prolonged exposure to high acetaldehyde levels can have severe health consequences, including an increased risk of esophageal cancer, liver disease, and cardiovascular complications. Consequently, it’s crucial for individuals experiencing these symptoms to be mindful of their alcohol consumption and take proactive measures to protect their health.

Managing Alcohol Flush Reaction

Moderation is Key

While completely eliminating the Asian Flush may not be possible, there are steps you can take to manage this condition and reduce its impact. The most obvious recommendation is to drink alcohol in moderation or abstain altogether. By limiting your alcohol intake, you can minimize the buildup of acetaldehyde and subsequently reduce the severity of flushing and other associated symptoms.

Choose the Right Beverages

Some alcoholic drinks are more likely to trigger the Asian flush than others. For example, drinks with higher alcohol content, such as spirits like vodka, whiskey, and tequila, tend to cause more pronounced flushing reactions. On the other hand, beverages with lower alcohol content, such as beer and wine, may be better tolerated. Experimenting with different types of alcohol can help you identify the ones that affect you the least.

Stay Hydrated, Eat Food

Drinking plenty of water before, during, and after consuming alcohol can help dilute its effects and may reduce the intensity of flushing. It may also be beneficial to consume a meal before drinking, as food in your stomach can slow down alcohol absorption and potentially minimize the flushing reaction.

Take a Supplement

There are supplements on the market that aid in the breakdown of Acetaldehyde, the toxic byproduct of alcohol. Their ingredients can reduce the appearance of redness, support alcohol digestion, and may lessen feelings of discomfort.

One of these Asian flush gummies is Ando, a supplement containing ingredients like Dihydromyricetin which support your body's ability to break down Acetaldehyde — the compound that influences Asian glow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can non-Asian people experience alcohol flush syndrome?

Yes, non-Asian people can also experience alcohol flushing syndrome, though less frequently. While it's commonly associated with individuals of East Asian descent, anyone can have a deficient ALDH enzyme or other genetic factors that lead to alcohol flushing. 

Certain medications, such as those for heart conditions or antibiotics, can also interact with alcohol and cause flushing reactions in anyone, regardless of ethnicity. 

Is Asian glow considered an allergic reaction?

Asian glow isn't an allergic reaction. It's a physiological response to alcohol caused by a genetic variation affecting the enzyme ALDH, leading to the accumulation of acetaldehyde. While it shares symptoms with allergies, like facial flushing, it's distinct in its cause and mechanism.

Can Asian glow impact overall health and wellness?

Asian glow, while typically not directly harmful, can impact overall health by potentially increasing sensitivity to alcohol-related health risks and affecting social well-being due to discomfort and, for some, embarrassment. Managing alcohol intake and seeking alternatives may contribute to better overall health and wellness for those affected.


Alcohol flushing syndrome, also referred to as “Asian glow” and “Asian flush”, is a genetic condition that affects a significant portion of the Asian population. While it can be uncomfortable and potentially harmful, understanding the causes and implementing practical strategies can help manage its symptoms and mitigate its impact. 

Moderation, careful drink selection, and supportive measures like hydration and supplementation can go a long way in ensuring a safer and more enjoyable drinking experience for those affected by the Asian glow reaction. Ultimately, prioritizing your health and well-being should always take precedence over societal expectations or peer pressure when it comes to alcohol consumption.

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