ALDH2 Deficiency in Caucasians: Unveiling the Hidden Risks - Ando Gummy

Asian Flush Syndrome in Caucasians: Can White People Get Alcohol Flush?

Asian Flush Syndrome in Caucasians: Unveiling the Hidden Risks

Key Takeaways

  1. “Asian glow” can happen to any ethnicity, it just happens to be more prevalent in East Asians.
  2. Alcohol flushing is caused by an ALDH2 deficiency, an enzyme responsible for metabolizing acetaldehyde, a carcinogenic byproduct of alcohol.
  3. There is no cure. You can manage symptoms by taking a supplement that helps process acetaldehyde.

The lesser-known condition known as “Asian glow” or “alcohol flushing” is not exclusive to people of Asian descent. It’s caused by an ALDH2 deficiency, which is an enzyme responsible for breaking down acetaldehyde, a carcinogenic byproduct of alcohol. The deficiency can happen to anyone from any ethnic descent. Join us as we learn about ALDH2 deficiency, its impact on health, and the importance of raising awareness.

What is ALDH2 Deficiency?

ALDH2 deficiency, also known as “alcohol flushing reaction”, “Asian flush”, and “Asian glow”, is a genetic condition that affects the body's ability to metabolize alcohol. It’s most commonly associated with individuals of East Asian descent, but recent studies have shown that it can also occur in Caucasians, albeit at a lower frequency.

ALDH2 is an enzyme responsible for breaking down acetaldehyde, a toxic byproduct of alcohol metabolism. People with ALDH2 deficiency experience an accumulation of acetaldehyde in the body. This buildup leads to various symptoms, including facial flushing, rapid heart rate, headache, and nausea.

Can White People Get Asian Flush?

While ALDH2 deficiency is much more prevalent in East Asian populations, recent research has shed light on its occurrence in Caucasians. Studies suggest that nearly 5% of Caucasians may carry the gene variant associated with ALDH2 deficiency. While this percentage may seem small, it still represents a significant number of individuals who may experience adverse reactions to alcohol.

Health Implications

ALDH2 deficiency not only causes discomfort but also poses potential health risks. Prolonged exposure to acetaldehyde can lead to an increased risk of certain cancers, such as esophageal and liver cancers. Additionally, the inability to efficiently metabolize alcohol can result in a higher blood alcohol concentration, leading to impaired judgment and an increased risk of accidents.

Alcohol Flush Symptoms In Caucasians

Alcohol flush reaction occurs when individuals lacking certain compounds, genomes, and enzymes consume alcohol.

This deficiency prevents the proper breakdown of alcohol, leading to a range of symptoms. While the most noticeable sign is a red face after drinking, there are other symptoms that are less visible. Here are some common symptoms of alcohol flush reaction, often referred to as Asian flush; Asian glow:

  • Bright red face: Red cheeks and skin feeling hot and flushed.
  • Red or itchy eyes
  • Wheezing or restricted breathing
  • Nausea: Similar to a hangover, but experienced while drinking rather than the next day.
  • Headaches or migraines: In more severe cases.
  • Nasal congestion: A stuffy nose.
  • General discomfort: Feeling generally awful when drinking alcohol.

What Causes Asian Glow in Caucasians

Since ALDH2 deficiency is genetic, it’s passed down from generation to generation.

Acknowledging anyone can have this genetic condition, the scientific community often refers to the condition as “alcohol flush reaction” since it affects more than just Asian individuals.

It’s clear that alcohol flush syndrome can also occur in Caucasians. But what causes a red face when drinking alcohol? Research shows that the inability to properly break down toxic compounds in alcohol, especially acetaldehyde, causes an excessive buildup. This results in the symptoms previously discussed.

How to Reduce Alcohol Flushing in Caucasians

Currently, there is no "cure" for alcohol flush reaction. The best approach is to manage the condition and limit your alcohol intake. Fortunately, there are some simple methods to make it more manageable and possibly prevent the symptoms from appearing altogether. Let's explore these methods.

Anyone affected by alcohol flushing should try their best to stay hydrated while drinking, eat food before they consume alcohol, and consider trying a supplement that can manage the symptoms. One of these supplements is Ando, a gummy containing ingredients like Dihydromyricetin which support your body's ability to break down Acetaldehyde.


ALDH2 deficiency is not exclusive to East Asian populations but can also affect a subset of Caucasians. Understanding the science behind this genetic condition and its potential health implications is crucial for individuals and healthcare professionals alike. By raising awareness, promoting genetic testing, and providing support, we can ensure that those with ALDH2 deficiency have the knowledge and resources to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. Together, let's shed light on this often overlooked condition and foster a more inclusive understanding of genetic diversity.

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